Last week I decluttered the surface of my nightstand. And I’m not trying to be dramatic but what. a. game-changer! It’s honestly kind of amazing the impact that clearing a surface can make in a space!
Now my side of the bed looks as peaceful as my husband’s side.
And our bedroom feels so much more peaceful! So I’m going to start spending 5 minutes a week decluttering/clearing surfaces in our home because the instant gratification is just too good. Who knew?!
When I posted about this on Instagram, quite a few questions about the source for our nightstands popped up in my direct messages. I purchased our classic, rustic wood nightstands from a local home store a few years ago, but they’re no longer available. But I did find quite a few similar options in a range of price points!
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6
My personal nightstand rule is – it has to have drawers! Because when I declutter the surface, I need to have somewhere to stash all of the stuff. ?
P.S. If you happen to fall in love with a nightstand that is just not quite tall enough (typically you want your nightstand to be at the same level/ height as your mattress), you can usually swap out the feet/legs without too much trouble. It’s what I did with ours!
