Published on January 16, 2023

Commissioner Director Offers Message of Unity at Annual Remembrance
Songs, prayers and words of hope from clerics, community leaders and public officials highlighted the day-long 53rd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Celebration in Morristown today.
The Martin Luther King Observance Committee, in collaboration with the Morris Area Clergy Council and the African American Clergy Association, hosted the annual event, beginning with an in-person service at the Calvary Baptist Church of Morristown at which Morris County Board of County Commissioners Director John Krickus provided remarks.
“This year’s theme, “From Dream To Action: Healing Our Divisions,” says so much; as what are words without action. Dr. King was one of the few who excelled at both … In addressing actions for the future, Dr. King said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice,” Director Krickus said. “Ladies and gentlemen I would suggest there has never been a greater opportunity for us to come together, to develop and use our God given talents, to bend the arc of economic and social justice at a faster pace, so our actions can realize the dream.”
(Full Remarks Below)
Dr. David A. Hollowell, Chair of the Martin Luther King Observance Committee, provided the welcome remarks, followed by an invocation from Monsignor John Hart from the Assumption Church of Morristown, songs from the Calvary Baptist Praise Team and a benediction by Pastor Jerry M. Carter, Jr. of the Calvary Baptist Church.
“Particularly in this time of pandemic affliction, political chaos, and social unrest, we believe that this is a great time to demonstrate that the important work of building a harmonious and loving community remains a high priority. To this end, we have adopted as our theme this year, “From Dream to Action: Healing our Divisions,” the Committee said in a statement about the event.
Today marks the 38th year that the birthday of Dr. King was commemorated as a national holiday. The Morristown service, which has become an annual staple in the Morris County community, was followed by a series of panel discussions that also were available virtually through the Observance Committee website.
Participants included U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill and the Rev. Dr. David Jefferson of the Metropolitan Baptist Church of Newark, who provided the keynote address.
Full Remarks of Commissioner Director John Krickus
I wish everyone a blessed Martin Luther King Day.
It is an honor to represent you and all Morris County residents as director of the county Board of Commissioners.
This year’s theme, “From Dream To Action: Healing Our Divisions,” says so much, as what are words without action?
Dr. King was one of the few who excelled at both.
Before talking about actions for the future, let me briefly talk about this past year.
At our Morris County administrative building, on Juneteenth, we unveiled a plaque to Vicki Craig and Art in the Atrium. Viki is one of only three people so honored.
Our Memorial Day service was graced with a powerful keynote address by my brother Marine Emerson Crooks, who shared words only a Vietnam veteran could express.
This past summer, Morristown held a wonderful celebration for William “Butch” Barber, who as I surmised from all his accomplishments, Butch must have had a 30-hour day to get all the things done he signed up for
In addressing actions for the future, Dr. King said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
He said that at a time when the schoolhouse door was blocked in too many places, dividing us by race.
Today in Morris County, Dr. Iacono at County College Of Morris, Superintendent Moffit of Morris County Vocation District, they stand at the schoolhouse door — ready to welcome everyone with more resources than ever.
We are in the process of expanding Vo-tech by 500 students with programs in health care, technology, manufacturing, finance.
CCM has just expanded with a new Advanced Engineering And Manufacturing Center and will be adding an expansion of the Culinary Program And Entrepreneurship Center.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would suggest there has never been a greater opportunity for us to come together, to develop and use our God given talents to bend the arc of economic and social justice at a faster pace, so our actions can realize the dream.
Thank you and God bless
Top Right: Commissioner Krickus offers remarks at the Dr. Martin Luther King observance in Morristown.
Center Left: Dr. Hollowell offered welcoming remarks to the event.
Bottom Right: A portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King displayed during the event.