Published on December 15, 2022

Washington Township Police Chief Jeffrey Almer Celebrated
The Morris County Board of County Commissioners honored Washington Township Police Chief Jeffrey Almer recently as he stepped down from his one-year term as President of the Morris County Police Chiefs Association.
The organization celebrated Chief Almer at its annual luncheon at the Park Savoy Estate on Tuesday in Florham Park, where the association also celebrated Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll with an “Honorary Chief” award.
Chief Ross Johnson of the Mendham Township Police was installed as the 2023 President of the MCPCA.
“I want to offer special congratulations to Chief Johnson of Mendham Township on becoming President, and to Prosecutor Carroll on being named Honorary Chief today. It is a tradition on my board to recognize the outgoing President as his year in office comes to a close, so I have with me a special Resolution of Honor for Washington Township Chief Jeffrey Almer,” said Commissioner Director Tayfun Selen as he presented a Resolution of Honor from the full board.
Sen. Anthony Bucco and Morris County Sheriff James Gannon also presented honors to Chief Almer and Prosecutor Carroll.
“Chief Almer, Chief’s Association Executive Board and membership, I am deeply honored, appreciative, and humbled to receive this fine honor. Since we have been working together, I can say that it has been a most rewarding and productive experience to have served with such dedicated law enforcement leaders,” said Prosecutor Carroll.
Chief Almer followed in the footsteps of his father, the late Charles Almer, Jr., a sergeant in the Mansfield Township Police Department, by pursuing a career in law enforcement. He graduated the Morris County Police Academy’s 46th Basic Police Class, and joined the
Washington Township Police Department in 1995.
He was promoted to sergeant in 2002 and was elevated to Lieutenant in 2015, the same year he was selected to become Chief – the fifth chief in the department’s history.
During Chief Almer’s tenure, the department has taken great strides to expand training, equipment, preparedness and productivity, and in 2019, the Washington Township Police Department became a New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police Accredited Department
Top Right: Director Selen presents Chief Almer with a Morris County Resolution of Honor.
Center Left: Chief Almer addressed the luncheon.
Bottom: Prosecutor Carroll also was honored at the luncheon. Pictured left to right: State Sen. Richard Codey, Assemblywoman Aura Dunn, Mendham Township Police Chief and Association President Ross Johnson, Morris County Prosecutor Robert Carroll, Morris County Sheriff James Gannon and State Sen. Anthony Bucco.